Wednesday 24 July 2013

Musings of a marketing muse...

by Rehanna Khan - Marketing Assistant

Hi Everyone
It’s Wednesday 24 July which officially marks two weeks since the big move into The Atrium and though it’s not been without its little dramatic moments, the process has been auspiciously smooth! From overcharged air conditioning (which is appreciated in sweltering temperatures but not-so-much when causing sore throats, headaches and the shivers), to out-of-use ladies WCs (we were kindly given use of the gents – and they were redirected downstairs), is about as bumpy as the ride got. I’m glad to report we’re all settled in now and enjoying the new open surroundings. Drop by sometime and we’ll be happy to give you a tour.

Welcome publication cover
This is always a busy time of year for Marketing – as is most of the year bar when we’re on leave. We’re always on the go with something to do so there’s never a dull moment. From conversion activities in full swing, our clearing campaign on the ready, to the Postgraduate Prospectus 2014 on the verge of being sent to print, updating thirteen subject guides and preparing the welcome (Hi) publication for new students, there’s really no time for a summer siesta! 

Prayer congregation in mosque
In other news… It’s day 15 of the holy month of Ramadan - meaning we’ve hit the midway mark already, leaving just 14 days. I admit it’s difficult to be in a state of nil-by-mouth for 18 hours on average per day, but then it wasn’t designed to be easy. Ramadan is the opportunity for Muslims to foster a sense of self-awareness and reflect on our lives. It offers the time to grow for the better and focus on the spiritual aspects of everyday life through practicing patience, discipline, compassion for the less fortunate and gratitude for what we have. The global unity is what always strikes me.

Have a blessed day!

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