As it turns out, this is my last blog post of 2017. Where has the year gone?!
As some of my fellow PRs will know very well, this time of
year is affectionately known as ‘silly season’ – a time of year when journalists
far and wide have run out of stories and content.
Journalists take annual leave and leave their newsrooms short-staffed
and their websites lacking in news. Anything that pops up in their inboxes is more likely to get their attention now than at any other time of year, simply because
they are desperate for content.
So I thought I would pull together a few tips on how press
officers in universities (and other organisations for that matter) can take
advantage of this time of year to get some publicity.
Be creative
With so little news around, this could be your chance to
flag up ideas that might be overshadowed at busier times. A funny story, an
inspiring case study, some quirky research – all these things might grab a journo’s
Piggy-back on stuff
There may not be much news around, but as we all know, that
can change in a heartbeat. Has an airline gone bust? Pitch out your tourism academics!
Specific health issues making the headlines? Dig out your researchers who can offer
some words of wisdom. Even if it’s just a line in an article, it’s better than
Be a journalist’s best friend
A mentor once told me that we as PRs provide a service to
journalists, and as such, we should provide the best service we can. If you can’t
help a journalist with their enquiry, direct them to someone who can – even if
it’s a competitor. There’s nothing in it for you, but the journo will remember
the kind gesture and may come to you again in the future with something you can
help with.
Don’t underestimate the power of a good Christmassy story.
Whether you’re fundraising for charity or encouraging colleagues to wear daft festive
jumpers, all these are potential news stories, especially if you’ve got good images
to go with them.
Pester your SU
Students’ Unions are a brilliant place to find news stories,
especially around Christmas. I have found that quite often SUs are rushed off
their feet with other things, so if you can give them a helping hand to get
some media coverage for their festive events, they’ll love you forever!
With that said, there’s nothing left for me to do but wish
you all a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year, full of excellent PR opportunities
and lots of media coverage!
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