Wednesday 15 April 2015

Allow me to introduce myself...

My name’s Sara and I’m the new Marketing Assistant. I’ve been here for just over two weeks now and I’d like to think I’m settling in nicely, finding my feet and starting to remember all of the names I need to learn!

A bit about me I hear you ask? Well, I graduated in Advertising and Marketing Communications from Bournemouth University and although I loved being by the beach there’s no place quite like home is there? So I returned to Luton to find out what adventures were waiting for me there!

Since leaving university I have worked in the International Office here and for Campus Living Villages (the student accommodation for UoB) so I’m hoping I’ve already got a bit of insider knowledge about the university to help me with this role! I’ve also had the opportunity to travel a bit (there’s the adventures I was talking about!) including volunteering in an Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand for a couple of weeks last year. It was an absolutely amazing experience where I got to see these fantastic animals up close, meet lots of new people and try some traditional Thai (vegan) food!

Right back to business - the last couple of weeks have been spent getting to know some of the different departments that I’ll be working with and learning some of the programmes I’ll be using  (luckily, because of the Easter break, I’ve had two short weeks so my head’s not too frazzled). It’s been really interesting sitting with all of the various teams within the MARC department and learning what each team is responsible for and how we can work together.

I’m now in my third week and raring to go! I’ve been given a couple of projects to call my own and I’m very excited to get my teeth stuck in! Over the next couple of weeks I’m going to be writing some e-zines, editing some video footage and helping Sarah and Kylie with the PG Prospectus. I’m also going to be helping Kylie with some filming so if you see me out and about the campus, please give me a wave (and a big smile if the camera’s rolling).


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