Monday 9 September 2013

Happy Monday!

by Rehanna Khan, Marketing Assistant

Hello again

As we usher in the seasonal terrible twosome - rain and wind - we wave a reluctant goodbye to the glorious summer of 2013. Since we're so accustomed to a British summer lasting a 'debatable' week, the two months of 'unseasonal' sunshine have indeed been glorious! See you next year... *eveything crossed* And although Summer takes a break, it's business as usual in the Marketing team...

We officially kicked off the 2014 open day cycle in July. With our upcoming Open Days one month after the other, it's fun times ahead. The next one is Wednesday (11 September) 10.30am - 3pm at both Luton and Bedford campuses. If you're interested in a course at Bedforshire or just want advice on university study and life in general then come along. You can talk to an academic about specific courses and areas of interest, explore the fantastic facilities and talk to students past and present about life at the University. Register here.

I'm not sure if you recall but I mentioned working on a collection of subject guides along with Lauren and Scott a few posts ago. I'm glad to report most are now signed off and online with just Sport, Nursing, Education and English awaiting the final touches.

What's more, we'll be starting the Undergraduate Propsectus 2015 in a weeks time. So early you say? Absolutely! Producing one prospectus can take up to five months to complete and even then, it's a real challenge. So if you see me and I don't see you, please forgive me.We'll be starting the process with creative agencies pitching for the creative design and management of our suite of prospectuses (undergraduate and postgraduate). Will keep you updated.

On another positive note, we have a new addition (albeit temporary) to the team in the exuberant form of Gaynor Bray. Since Scott left a few weeks ago, Gaynor has been gracing the team with her creative mind, great eye for detail and fantastic taste in jewellery! She has helped the team progress jobs and projects and is a pleasure to have on board. We'll be interviewing for the Marketing Assistant job very soon so watch this space for more additions to the team...

On a personal note, I've been on air. In my spare time, I've been sharing the air waves with Dr Fiaz (also from the University) on Inspire FM, the local community radio station. We've been hosting 'In my humble opinion' which airs every Friday's from 6-7pm. Discussing religion and social perceptions to political issues, we talk about anything and everything that our listeners want to hear. So tune in and feel free to call or text - we'd love to hear from you. Tune in here.

So. Two months ago I invested in a cineworld unlimited card. I was all geared up to watch a minimum of two movies a week - I can solemnly report I haven't watched any! Hoping to report on a cinematic movie fest soon...

Until the next time, it's adieu from me.

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