So,work is well underway on the undergraduate 2018 prospectus.
The team has been writing copy and sending it over to the design agency and we’re
expecting the first proof on Monday. The first proof is usually quite raw as
there is often still some uncertainties on copy and courses, but it’s good to
see the first proof with the new design approach.
Alongside the undergraduate prospectus, we’re also starting work
on the undergraduate mini guide, which is a smaller A5 version of the main
guide. So we’re reducing copy to fit the space allocation and getting that off
to the design agency too.
I’ve also been working on the applicant newsletters, playing
catch up with proofing and sourcing outstanding stories and pictures. We’re expecting
second proofs of these next week, with final sign off next month.
Planning ahead…
As Christmas is almost upon us (yes,I said it!) I’m also looking ahead to
the new year and working on the Spring season open day plans – planning activity
and allocating tasks to the relevant teams.
I also attended a meeting this week to start planning the
UCAS convention for June next year, so I’ll be working up production schedules so we can make sure we have a good head start on the project.
I think this is my last blog of 2016 so speak to you all in
the New Year!
Is that a vegan kangaroo?