Over the next couple of days hundreds of UoB students will be graduating from university officially, with many leaving the world of university behind and stepping into the world of employment. Kylie and I will be going to meet some of the graduates and interview them about their UoB experience. There's always such a buzz at the graduations and I can't help but remember my own (although I still can't believe mine was four years ago this year!!).

With the job market the way it stands currently, it's so important that graduates can differentiate themselves from other graduates, whether this be with an internship, volunteering, or simply being a member of a club or society. As mentioned in one of my previous blog posts, I've been working on a section of the website called
more than a degree, which highlights many of the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities available at Beds. The pages highlight the various ways students can get involved at the university, whether this be writing for the
SU's magazine, taking part in the
Go Global programme, or
learning a language, as well as many other opportunities.
As part of this project I've had the opportunity to meet with some of our students and graduates that have already benefited from taking part in some of these amazing opportunities. Keep your eyes peeled on our website, and across our social media accounts for more information!

What's great about the
more than a degree project is that it is still expanding. There's so many fantastic things happening at the university that I'm still learning about all of the different opportunities myself! If you run, or know, of any activity that isn't currently listed on the
more than a degree pages please let me know.
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